My Honey's Place Nanny Agency
Need a Sitter?
Let's Book Your Babysitter Today!
Hire a Babysitter
My Honey's Place Nanny Agency works hard to find our families quality and reliable babysitters. We know how important trustworthy childcare is and ensure we work overtime to provide our families with the best.
Below, we break down how to begin booking your babysitter with a few simple steps:
Our hourly babysitting rates start at $25.00 an hour. All of our babysitters come trained and highly qualified. We conduct informal interviews with our babysitters and aim to match you with suitable childcare every time. We provide backup care at your home, hotel room, church events, and more!
Step 1: Application
You will begin by filling out the registration form and paying the $450.00 one-time registration fee. Once this is completed you will be given a login username and password.
Step 2: Book Session
Once we have received your registration fee and completed application, you will have unlimited access to our babysitting services. You will be able to book date nights, work emergencies, and even overnight stays.
Step 3: Prepare For Your Sitter
We will email you as soon as your booking has been accepted.Your babysitter will call you the night before. They will be able to answer any questions you may have regarding their experience and more!