Far Cry Primal-CPY Repack
Faced with unsaved progress... Played okay so pumped, well, I clicked Save and exit - it saved the situation, but in the main did not see a button to Continue - nervous. The prescription treatment is that if you quit the game using Save and quit, but to Continue no - order, go to the My documents folder > select the folder CPY_SAVES (it may be called differently, if repacker config crack asked a different name) right-mouse > Properties > click Other > put the check Allow indexing ... > used (I made all at once, not just the folder). When you start a new save will see. If went immediately to the Desk, alas, have to start all over again. PS Spied on a private tracker, I decided to share here. And for good, need CONSPIRACY crack-fix to do. Who knew that I (and not only I) indexing always cut down...
Far Cry Primal-CPY Repack