AM / FM / DAB stations love our features.Read moreFeatures Broadcast all your audioRocket captures audio from other applications, including Skype, Spotify, and your automation software, so you can seamlessly mix live interviews with music.
We can change the schedule at any time, if we need to make changes to a preproduced program. We have better use of our best skilled hosts, as they can preproduce a program whenever their schedule allows it. It is a great tool for live broadcasting too. The system is very stable when it comes to commercial booking and music scheduling.Kim Nielsen, Radio Sydhavsoerne, DK. In the begin of 1999 we started to search the market for distributors of radio automation systems.
I have about 8 different Radio Automation Programs here in studio and Simian is one of them. It is a great program, but in my opinion, SAM Broadcaster lives up to it's spectations more than Simian. I love the way SAM interacts with websites, best in the business as far as I am concerned. The way the current song playing shows up with the album art, the last five songs that have played, the dedications, the requesting, the top 10,20, or so songs being listed. You can fully customize a website using SAM's automation software where it all runs off of the main SAM Machine.
I'm Anthony Eden, and I'm a IT Professional, Broadcast Technician, Software Developer, and Solutions Engineer. I've been working in broadcast media since 2008, and developing software and websites for just as long.Right now, I provide freelance services through Media Realm - in particular, to the media and not-for-profit industries.